Thursday, November 5, 2009

LA in review


Let me just say, I was skeptical. Not so sure how I felt about our dear, lovable, creative Jimmy moving to such a smoggy, mall-tastic city. But let me tell YOU. LA WAS MAGICAL!

My god. Our one week in LA was by far one of the best trips I have ever been on. Maybe it had nothing to do with LA? Maybe it had everything to do with matching pink tank tops, productivity, adventures, producer necklaces and movie making madness?

Nested away in the wonders of the Warehouse District was the Hang Zone, Jimmy's killer loft that is now home to all the Sirocco Research Lab film productions. It smelled like movie magic (and tuna, sometimes). There was not a night the whole entire week that was not spent making sets/costumes/sketches/laughter or all of the above. And to boot, we stayed up late most nights sipping wine and watching YouTube episodes of Are You Afraid of The Dark. And to double boot, we made the most wonderful new friends, Adie and Martin, who we've deviously pulled into our circle of movie making love. Really, it was one long week of taking full advantage of our young adulthood -- no bed time, access to power tools and Funfetti cake for dinner. BOOM!

We are going back. Not indefinitely, but certainly wholeheartedly. New movie in the works. Cleo in the Universe will soon be fin and then it's on to the next. Which is great, because Jimmy has ingrained in us such a heightened level of creativity these days I think I need another movie to work or I. Just. Might. Burst.

*Photos courtesy of Mr. SellonB / more here      

1 comment:

jimmy jimmy said...

you really have to experience LA in 3-D to get its full effect. it's just crazy to think otherwise.

is it december yet, by the way? c'mon!