Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2010 - This is Project Time

More crafting, more building, more messes, more sketching, more writing, more creativity.

Make more. 2010 will be my Year of Projects.

To kick it off, my first project of the year is a board that demands the making of more -- a to-do list chalkboard for our room. Ben and I have grown accustomed to giving our projects a home under one collective name -- The Department of Projects. We try to get at least one DOP project in everyday. It's like a pretend business, like when little kids play pretend grocery store, but our pretend business has a sewing machine, power tools and no bedtime.

The making of the DOP board:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very cool. But I'm looking at the bottle of black paint on the carpet thinking: if that were me, there would be black paint EVERYWHERE. I admire your tidiness while crafting. Did I tell you about the time I smeared contact cement all over my kitchen table and a spatula? Apparently rubber cement is NOT the same as contact cement. Note to self.