Monday, October 20, 2008

elections from abroad

It's really interesting being abroad during a US presidential election.

Quite often non-Americans travelers ask us what we think about the elections back home. I often say I'm sad not to be home and enjoying all the excitement of my one and only college years presidential election. Campus must be so great right now. The general sentiment in return from non-US citizens is one of confusion or restlessness. "Why is it taking so long to elect your new president? And why won't your country hurry up and elect a good candidate for once and get the rest of our markets out of this recession?"

From what I hear, it sounds like everyone back home in the US of A is a bit tired of this exhausting campaign season. Like I said, there is a big part of me that is pretty sad to be missing all the hoopla. I know, I know, a lot of you think all the ads and speeches and debates are getting to be a bit much. Well, let me tell you, when you are overseas and your internet time is limited, the media coverage on the elections leaves you wanting more, to say the least.

For example, this morning as I was recouping from my fever, I sat and ate a bowl of cornflakes and goat milk while reading an Indian English newspaper. There was only one article in the entire paper mentioning the US elections and it was a special interest piece on NY residents changing their middle names to Hussein in support of Obama. I was dumbfounded. Not by the fact that there was only one article. By the article's picture. Take a guess.

If you guessed a cat wearing an American flag scarf you are my hero. I laughed out loud. Nearly spat goat milk all over the table. To boot, the caption reads, "A Bombay cat named Barack Obama..."

In the next two weeks, if you feel overwhelmed by elections coverage, think of me in Kolkata with my cat pictures. It'll make you feel better.

1 comment:

Ben said...

never fear, dear americans! you too can read this article!


now all i need is goat's milk.