Thursday, July 23, 2009


Little Debbie launched a fantastic marketing campaign this summer to promote their new muffins. The Intern Hero campaign is Little Debbie's attempt to feed the under-paid interns of America. Send them a clever shot of you holding a pleading sign for muffins at your internship office and if selected, they'll send you a big ol' box of muffin goodness. Luckily, a bunch of us COLABORATORY interns have an infinity for muffins and photoshop alike. Jimmy Zimmerman and I have been featured on the site thus far. Curious to see how many more COLAB kiddos are going to strike pastry gold.


Unknown said...

haha! that's awesome. I like that you made it on the Little Debbie blog. This Colab thing is really gonna take you places.... :)

plus, you've just inspired me to do this for the young little interns we have at TRC this summer.

Katie Reardon said...

YEAH! TRC represent. tell them they better not let the interns of Portland down. so far we are shooting 2 for 2.